Friday, February 10, 2012

Part Two: Project 3 - Stage 2: Exercise 1

Color Perception:
 The next two exercises deal with the deceptions and illusions that colour can create. They teach you to trust your eye not your brain!

The paints have been put away and a surface prepared (well, cleared!).

Exercise 1
We are asked to glue down six squares of different coloured paper, then glue down six smaller squares (all the same colour) in the centre of the larger coloured square.
The larger square is 8cm, the smaller square is 2cm.

We are asked to make observations based on what we "see" happening, how the centre colour changes.

I repeated this exercise 4 times - with the centre square colour changing - I used: yellow, blue, green and red.

I knew I would see change, we've all looked at optical illusions, but taking the time out to see what they are...

These are my findings:
Central Blue Square
Blue Square:
The blue square appeared smaller and duller against the blue and the purple.
It appears lighter, brighter and bigger next to the red and the yellow.
It looks bigger against the green background than the orange background colour.
The blue square does not stand out against the green, blue and purple backgrounds - the colours bleed into each other.
Central Yellow Square
Yellow Square:
The yellow square appeared larger on the red and dark blue backgrounds, smaller on the green and light blue backgrounds.
It appeared even bigger on the orange and purple backgrounds.
The yellow square seems cleaner and brighter against the purple and dark blue; duller against the red, green, orange and light blue.
Central Red Square
Red Square:
The red square appears to float against the background of green, but sinks into the background of orange.
It seems to be darker against the yellow and lightest against dark blue.
The red square is larger when placed on the dark blue square, smaller when placed on the orange square.
Central Green Square
Green Square:
The green square appears darkest against the yellow background, lightest against the dark blue background.
It seems bigger when placed on the light blue, smaller when placed on the yellow.
It appears to float on the red background, but sinks into the light blue background.
In conclusion:
A great exercise that really makes you think - I keep revising what I think I have seen with all these colours.

I enjoyed this exercise, although it was a challenge, trusting what you think you see.

My eyes hurt by the time I had looked, looked and looked again - several times I called others into the room to see if they agreed with what I thought I had observed.

Sometimes they did - great; sometimes they didn't - I had to look again!

Several times I remeasured the squares to see that they really were the same size.

By the time I had finished, the colours began to float and move around.... time to look away before starting the next exercise.
Without working through this exercise I may have missed the impact and effect that one colour can have when placed against another.

The finished pages:
Colour Illusion with blue & yellow square

Colour Illusion with green & red

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