Monday, April 2, 2012

Part Two: Project 4 - What have I achieved

This has been a labour intensive project, but one in which all the building blocks of design and development have been taught.

I did feel at times that the instructions were 'wordy' - I had to read and re-read to get an understanding of where my work should be heading.

Overall though I enjoyed creating, designing and developing my sketches.

Did I manage to 'make space move'?
Yes I did!
I worked through Stage 1 which concentrated on using black squares and lines to create static and dynamic arrangements.
I then applied these practices to the rest of the project.
I was able to work out which images were static and calm, and which were dynamic and full of visual energy.

The knowledge acquired by working through this stage will help me in the planning stage and composition of any piece of art that I want to create.
It was also helpful when I was deciding on which images to work on and develop throughout the rest of the project - which images would be interesting and for what reason.

Was I pleased with the drawings that I did in Stage 3?
Yes I was.
I used Stage 3 mainly as an exercise in which to choose drawings with potential for Stage 4.
I completed design and development work throughout all the exercises in Project 4, but I sometimes felt that it was difficult to separate the work into the individual exercises.

Was I able to use my drawings successfully as a basis for further work?
I was.
I really enjoyed making the repeat patterns, I am looking forward to making stencils to screen print with from these designs.

I also felt that some of the sketches that were developed took me away from the original image, so I was able to look at it with fresh eyes.
The resulting developed images were often much livelier and interesting.

The worrying part for this section was knowing where to stop.
The development of an image is endless, and fun.

Having developed a good working method - do I feel confident that I can now carry on working in this way on my own?
Yes I do.
I enjoy painting and drawing, but the results are always more interesting when the image has been developed, and the composition has been thought about.

I think the methods and techniques that have been taught throughout this project will make me think harder about what I want to achieve before I put pencil to paper.
I should now be able to make more considered pieces of art.

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